Don’t Forget, You Make The Choices For Your Baby
With the internet at our fingertips and instant connection to family members and friends far away, it can be overwhelming to receive a whole host of unsolicited advice that you didn’t ask for. Grandparents mean well, but things are different now than they were then. Things that were socially acceptable in the 80’s and 90’s are absolutely not okay now.
So much has changed in the last 30-40 years, and frankly, it’s for the better. I hope we’re raising a generation of little humans who are independent, confident, validated, respectful, kind, and smart. All of those qualities start in the home with how you’re raising your child.
When it comes to big decisions about your baby like vaccines, circumcision, sleep training, breastfeeding, etc. it’s ideal to seek advice from trusted professionals and supportive resources. At the end of the day, remember that you are the one in charge of your baby and you are the one making choices for them. Trust yourself to make the right decision and don’t feel pressured to do something you don’t want to do.
I had a discovery call with a dad before and his words were “I need you to convince my wife that sleep training is the right step. She’s waking up so much that all she wants to do is sleep when I’m off and I want my wife back.”
Sleep consulting is my business, and I do love to make money. But I can assure you that I am not in the business of convincing people that sleep training is the right thing for their family.
Will sleeping better change your life? 100%.
Will sleeping better improve your health and overall wellness? yes.
Do you have to sleep train? no way.
There also comes a time when your baby grows up into a toddler, and they start being really opinionated about their sleep…where they sleep, for how long, and with whom. In these circumstances, circle back to the basics and ask yourself…who is in charge here?
Holding boundaries with toddlers can be super hard, but also really good. With too much authority, toddlers actually feel insecure in their environment. They are simply too little to be making such big decisions, and being in charge of their own sleep is too daunting of a task for them.
If you’re having a hard time with laying boundaries with your toddler’s sleep, or if you’re even having a hard time setting and holding boundaries with family members and their unwanted advice, I encourage you to seek some professional support to help get you in the driver’s seat again.
If you’d like to chat about how 1-on-1 sleep support can help your family, let’s book a free discovery call and see if we’d make a good fit to work together.