Should My Toddler Be Taking Melatonin Nightly?

Melatonin is a hot topic lately. I see parents on Facebook groups recommend melatonin for young children, I see influencers on social media talking about giving their children melatonin, and I even hear of doctors recommended its usage for children’s sleep. However…Facebook gurus, influencers, and even doctors (yes, them too!) don’t know a whole lot about children’s sleep.

If we believe these things are true

  • Children thrive on routine

  • Consistency is key

  • Bedtime Environment is essential

…then I can guarantee you that your child doesn’t need nightly melatonin. If you are giving them melatonin quite often, then I want you to think about what else is interfering with them being able to fall asleep at night?

Melatonin is a natural hormone that is produced in our bodies in the evening. It’s secreted (from the pineal gland) soon after the onset of darkness and it peaks in production around 2-4am. Because melatonin is a hormone, there are early studies showing the possible link to early-onset of puberty in children when a melatonin supplement is taken regularly.

It can also be common for your child to still wake up throughout the night even when you give them melatonin at bedtime. This can be from the sudden surge of supplemental melatonin interfering with your natural process - thus leading to a lesser amount naturally secreted. Another reason for the night-waking could be that your child doesn’t know how to properly fall asleep without melatonin, so they’re unsure how to fall asleep in the middle of the night when they wake up. In this case, the melatonin has become a sleep prop.

Of course, there are neurodivergent children who do need the help of melatonin each night in order to fall asleep, and if that is the case in your household, I would hope that your doctor sent your child for a sleep study and you got the proper dosage appropriate for your child. But if your child does not having any underlying health conditions and your doctor has just simply recommended melatonin to get you out of their office quicker, come visit a sleep consultant.

In my time working as a sleep consultant, I’ve worked with countless families who have Preschool/School-Aged children on a nightly dose of melatonin. The thing is - the melatonin doesn’t actually fix the sleep problems. Melatonin helps you fall asleep, but the supplement doesn’t help you stay asleep.

If you fall into the camp of giving your child their nightly dose, then consider the following:

  1. Solid bedtime routine.

  2. Daily activity/intentional movement (not just “playing”)

  3. Night-time snack with no natural or artificial sugar

  4. Limit screen-time 1-2 hours before bed

  5. Bedtime Rules (to help keep them in their room)

Kids THRIVE on structure and routine, and if it feels like you’re too far in with this melatonin gig that you can’t stop now, please reconsider. Your child likely doesn’t need this extra supplement that their body natural secretes on its own. They can absolutely learn how to sleep well & through the night - with proper bedtime routines and boundaries.

I have helped so many families get their children off of nightly melatonin and it makes my heart grow a little more each time. And at the end of our time working together - not one single family has had to rely on melatonin to help their child fall asleep at night. They’ve been able to completely wean off of it & still saw amazing success. If your family needs help with this, please book a free discovery call with me to learn about my 1-on-1 offerings.

Bailey Aulenbach

Hi, I’m Bailey! I am a wife, a mother, and a sleep consultant! I love helping tired families get the sleep they need!!

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