When Can You Skip A Nap?

Sometimes when getting your child on a new sleep schedule, it can feel like you’re jailed to the house. You don’t want to miss nap time, you’re watching your child’s awake windows, and it feels like you’re having to say no to all of your prior commitments because of your schedule.

I feel that.

However, there is freedom once your child is sleep trained. Sleep training is generally a 2-week period, so after those 2 weeks of absolute consistency, you can play with their schedule a little bit.

When it comes to your child’s sleep schedule, it’s ideal to keep the 80/20 rule. What this means is that 80% of the time, you are 100% consistent. Your child is napping at the right time in their ideal sleep environment and 20% of the time, things can change!

This can give you some freedom to hit up the lake, the movies, or even a mom/tot workout class and potentially do a carseat/stroller nap. Or if your child won’t nap at all, you just skip it!

What you will need to commit to, is if your child is on a 2-3 nap schedule, I want you to commit to napping them at least 1 time at home that day. Generally the first nap of the day is the best nap, so I would aim to have that nap at home so you are starting off your day on the right foot.

If your child is on a 1-nap schedule and they generally nap for 2ish hours, then try to get them napping for at least 1 sleep cycle. Whether this nap happens in the carrier, the car, or the stroller, it’s ideal for them to at least have some form of nap. However, if they flat-out refuse - EARLY BEDTIME!

If you do happen to do an on-the-go nap and it doesn’t go great, it would also be ideal to commit to early bedtime for your baby. Bedtime can safely be brought forward by up to an hour before their regular scheduled bedtime.
For example: If bedtime is usually 7:30pm and your child has had an off nap day, they can go to bed at 6:30pm and still be expected to wake up at their normal time in the morning.

One thing I always tell the parents that I work with is that I know they have lives too. You have doctor’s appointments that can’t be changed, family commitments that can’t budge, and things that just need to get done. Skipping or shifting naps can be a really normal part of your sleep training journey.

If you do notice that you really like a consistent schedule (me), and you actually don’t want to skip your child’s nap, then don’t!! Plan your workout, swim lessons, doctor’s appointments, and other commitments around the nap schedule. It can totally work - I promise.

If you’re reading this and thinking “I just nap my baby when they will nap because everything is SO inconsistent right now,” then consider taking my Baby Sleep Course. You’ll learn every single thing you need to know about how to get your baby sleeping through the night AND take great naps on their own!

Bailey Aulenbach

Hi, I’m Bailey! I am a wife, a mother, and a sleep consultant! I love helping tired families get the sleep they need!!


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