When to Introduce a Comfort Item

Safe sleep is something that I am passionate about. This is mainly because when I work with families, I want to ensure that there isn’t ANYTHING in the crib that could pose a risk to their child. I also follow all of the safe sleep guidelines outlined by the AAP, ensuring that my information is up to date and that my sources are credible.

Introducing a comfort item or a lovey is something that should be taken with serious consideration. The AAP says that it is not safe to introduce anything into the crib before your child is 12 months old, and even after then, there are some guidelines about what can and should be introduced.

First of all, a lovey is a small comfort item like a teddy bear, a stuffed animal, or a small blanket. You don’t need to add multiples into the crib with your child, but having at least 2 of the same comfort item is ideal in case one gets lost or misplaced.

Here is a timeline of when various items can be added into the crib:

  • 0-12 months: Nothing but a fitted crib sheet. Your child can safely wear a sleep sack to stay warm - avoid blankets inside the crib.

  • 12+ months: Introduce a comfort item or a lovey. This is the small comfort object that you can add into the crib. Your baby will likely start attaching to it, so I would offer them their lovey every time they go into their crib for both naps and for bedtime.

  • 18+ months: Introduce a blanket if wanted, but still keep your child in their sleep sack.

  • 24+ months: Introduce a pillow if wanted.

  • 36+ months: Move your child into a bigger sleep space and out of the crib (if you need help with that, purchase my crib-to-bed transition course!)

I’ve seen lots of parents online comment about how things were different when their babies were young and they introduced a blanket from day 1 with no issues. But I don’t want you to be fooled by that. SIDS is a real thing, and ensuring the safety of your baby while they’re sleeping should be a top priority. Make safe sleep the rule, not the exception.

Bailey Aulenbach

Hi, I’m Bailey! I am a wife, a mother, and a sleep consultant! I love helping tired families get the sleep they need!!


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