Why I give my kids the Evivo Probiotic every day

My first experience with rough, bumpy skin was with my son Drake who was just an active 1-year old boy. I had noticed his skin change around his first birthday from his baby-soft skin, to this bumpy, textured skin on his arms. I felt my own arms and realized they weren’t the same…mine were much more smooth. He then developed roughness on his belly and then his thighs.

Drake’s first year of life was rough. He developed pneumonia 3 times, had a bout of Bronchitis, and even had Conjunctivitis. All of these illnesses required medication, and most of the time, antibiotics. Antibiotics are so helpful at treating infection, but what most people don’t realize (because it’s rarely explained at the doctor’s office) is that when taken, they kill off the bad bacteria in the gut, but they also kill off some of the good bacteria too. Leaving the microbiome in your gut imbalanced and your immune system weaker. After all of these illnesses, Drake was left with 2 daily asthma puffers, a nightly chewable pill, and an entire asthmatic regime we went through when he got even the slightest cold.

Fast forward 2 years and our family welcomed our precious baby girl, Georgia. Her experience with sickness was much different than Drake’s was. However, when she was 6 months old, I got pregnant with Maeve and the pregnancy really damaged my breastmilk supply. It was as though my body focused all of its energy trying to build a healthy baby, that it forgot to make milk. Georgia was so fed up with breastfeeding (or lack thereof), that at 8 months old we made the switch to formula. After switching to formula, we noticed the same skin issues we had noticed with Drake, develop on Georgia. We also noticed her intolerance to dairy… We got her allergy tested and it came back positive for a milk protein allergy along with a peanut allergy.


It felt like these things were preventable. How could my perfect little babies have rough, bumpy skin, and allergies at such a young age?

When Georgia was just over 1, we went to see a Naturopathic Doctor. She advised us to start Georgia on a daily probiotic to help her gut bacteria. We noticed an immediate improvement with her skin and then we also noticed a huge improvement with her allergies. Her tolerance to dairy and peanuts was increasing. With encouragement from her allergist, we started feeding her a small dose of dairy and peanuts every day. That paired with the probiotic helped immensely!

I thought about Drake… being on antibiotics SO many times in his first year of life… why had no one advised us to give him a probiotic?

Fast forward to now - Evivo. Evivo is the probiotic that I give to Maeve (my 11-month old) daily.

Evivo has not only helped Maeve with her bowel movements, but it has also helped her skin stay smooth and avoid those bumps we had experienced with the other kids. She also had issues with upset tummy and bad diaper rashes and those have been non-existent since our continuous usage of Evivo.

Directly from the Evivo website, Evivo is:

Clinically shown to:

  • Promote the growth of beneficial B. infantis EVC001 to establish a healthy gut microbiome

  • Protect from bacteria linked to colic & diaper rash

  • Significantly reduce gut inflammation

  • Convert breast milk HMOs into metabolites that help guide healthy immune function

Research shows babies fed Evivo have:

  • Significant improvement in breast milk digestion

  • Reduced colic-associated symptoms

  • Significantly less diaper rash

  • Better sleep within days

While Evivo doesn’t make a child sleep independently, it does help significantly with a child’s gut bacteria and helps with upset tummy - making them ease into sleep better. Evivo paired with independent sleep is a beautiful combo!

I feel confident that giving my children Evivo is making a good difference from the inside out. If you need to get a probiotic for your baby or young child, consider Evivo. They’ve given me a discount code (midnightmama) to help you save $$ off of your order. Check out their website here: Evivo Infant Probiotic.

If you have questions about Evivo, post them below!


Bailey Aulenbach

Hi, I’m Bailey! I am a wife, a mother, and a sleep consultant! I love helping tired families get the sleep they need!!


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