Product Review: DreamSync™ Noise Machine
Ever since I got married to my husband in 2014, I have slept with some form of white noise. I grew up sleeping in silence and I really felt like that was the right way. I mean, there isn’t necessarily a “right” way to sleep, but silence was definitely my preferred way before. However, my husband grew up sleeping with a fan - and he couldn’t fathom parting ways with his beloved fan. I agreed to give it a go, but I felt frozen with the wind blowing in my face. When he would work the night shift, I would finally sleep in silence again and it felt like a little luxury. When I gave birth to my first baby in 2018, that changed. The silence felt excruciatingly loud in the middle of the night as I anticipated the next time I would hear my baby fuss around or cry and the fan actually started feeling like a comfort. I was now used to the wind blowing in my face, and the white noise from the fan felt so calming since I wasn’t waking to every single creak in the house, and every little noise coming from the baby monitor.
Now that I have 3 kids who are 6.5 years old and younger, I sleep with a fan AND a white noise machine each night. I absolutely love sleeping with the noise - it helps me turn my brain off, settle into sleep, and it also acts as a sleep cue for my body. It’s like my brain knows that once the noise machine turns on, it has 1 job to do: sleep.
Momcozy has made a great debut in the world of baby products. From hands-free breast pumps, to sound machines, and even to bottle warmers, nursing bras, and baby monitors - they have a laser focus on postpartum.
For a long time, we used a little portable white noise machine on my nightstand, but more recently, Momcozy sent me their DreamSync™ Sound Machine to test out and review. While the product was gifted with the intention of having a blog review, there is no formal ‘payment’ coming from this.
So, let’s go over some of the pros and cons of the DreamSync™ Sound Machine!
Here are some of the things I love about the DreamSync:
● Aesthetically Pleasing
I hate to admit it, but in many ways I am a basic bitch and I love a good, aesthetically-pleasing baby item. There are far too many tacky products on the market, so it’s amazing to find a great one that looks good too. Even the DreamSync packaging is nice and cute - I love it.
● White, Brown, and Pink Noise Options (among other nature sounds)
The DreamSync sound machine has just enough white noise options intermingled with other nature, lullaby, and fan sounds. My favourite ‘noise’ to sleep to is either: Box Fan, or White Noise. My favourite white noise on the DreamSync is the White Noise 3 option. It is the right amount of static and airplane bathroom…lol. IYKYK. Navigating all of the options directly from the clock is a little tricky (but doable), but using the app makes it super easy.
● Remote Access via App
One of my favourite features of this sound machine is that you can access the DreamSync sound machine from anywhere via the App. I’ve used a different noise machine for my children’s rooms before and sometimes the bluetooth connection isn’t strong enough, but their white noise machine isn’t accessible via the app
● Alarm Clock
The DreamSync sound machine has the option to set an alarm on their app. The alarm can be used for a couple things.
1. A regular alarm clock - of course. You can set it so the noise turns off and an alarm rings, similar to any old regular alarm clock. You can set alarms for different days of the week, too - which is a fantastic feature.
2. Toddler Wake Clock. You also have the option of setting the alarm to a new sound with a light that turns on. This is a fantastic feature of the DreamSync since the auditory and visual cues are helpful for kiddos who can’t tell time. This feature also helps children recognize when it’s time to go to bed - since they’ll hear their sound machine turn on. It not only helps with the start of your bedtime routine, but it also helps your child form regular and healthy sleep habits and establish some sort of time perception. Toddler clocks help your child know when night ends and morning begins - which is super helpful for kiddos who wake up frequently at night, or who are early morning risers.
● Night Light Feature
Similar to other sound machines out there, the DreamSync also has a nightlight feature where your child (or you) can choose a colour to stay on all night long. I don’t like sleeping with a nightlight, but if you do, I recommend choosing a colour within the ‘sunset’ palette. Orange, Red, Yellow, or Pink are great nightlight colour options.
● Immediate Time Sync
One of my favourite features of the DreamSync while setting it up, was that once I connected the noise machine to the Momcozy app on my phone, the time automatically updated to my phone’s time. It was so convenient! I have used many alarms clocks in the past that are so annoying to set because they eventually run ahead or behind on the time. Since the DreamSync is connected through wifi to your phone, it will always stay on the correct time and I love that.
●Toddler Lock
Unlike me, if you do use this sound machine in your child’s room, it can be helpful to put on the toddler lock. This means that no matter what buttons your toddler presses, the sound machine will stay on. Personally, I like keeping my kid’s noise machines out of reach anyway, but if you don’t have that option, then the toddler lock feature is great.
Here are some of the things I didn’t love about the DreamSync:
● Brightness
I have found that the brightness of the time on the DreamSync is pretty bright when you’re in a pitch black room. You can adjust it on the app and I have mine set to 1%, but if I briefly open my eyes to see what time it is, or if I get up to pee at night, it feels like my room is lit up. I know it’s not, but once your eyes are adjusted to the dark, the time on the sound machine feels really bright. There is of course the option of turning the clock off completely (which is exactly what I would do if I used this in my child’s room), but I do like being able to see the time in my own room
● Must-Use App
I do love a good app, but I also really like being able to manually change features. The DreamSync is so well-paired with the app, but not every feature is available with the buttons on the actual unit. That being said - the buttons do work fine, but it is more tedious to flick through each sound option without the app at your fingertips. But, every night when I go to bed, I use a button to turn on my noise machine on the DreamSync. The app is very user-friendly, but it still feels like a hassle that I need my phone to find my perfect ‘white noise 3’ if one of my kids bumped a button earlier in the day.
● Price
These noise machines hover around $148 CAD if you don’t catch it on sale. While I do think the features are completely worth the price, $148 is simply out of some parent’s buying range. Momcozy does frequently have sales and they also have affiliate partners who occasionally have discount codes to help save a few dollars, too. But if you’re buying it full price, the cost is something to consider.
All in all, the DreamSync has been a wonderful product to add into my daily life. It looks great on my nightstand and I absolutely love the features. I think the DreamSync is worth the price, and I would recommend it as a sound machine and toddler clock option to the parents that I work with! I have loved using it for my own room and I don’t plan on replacing it anytime soon (or ever!).
I do have an affiliate link with Momcozy for you to purchase your own DreamSync™ sound machine if you’re in the market for a new sound machine in your own room, or for your child’s nursery! By using that link, you are supporting me in reviewing new products on the market (like this one!!) with no additional cost to you.
If you have any questions about the DreamSync, post them below!